Tim & Guido in the top 10

Grant Griffin not.this at seebelow.org
Fri Aug 24 18:05:40 EDT 2001

In article <mailman.998683959.327.python-list at python.org>, Skip says...
>Just happened to be on the sourceforge.net home page and noticed that Tim &
>Guido are the fifth and ninth ranked users, respectively.

Gee, I hope doesn't make them fourteenth!

Doesn't ESR have a high ranking, too?  And I can see why.  After reading "The
Catheedral and the Bazaar" again today, I've become convinced that fetchmail is
the most important piece of software ever written <wink>.  (I'm not sure his
refutation of "Brooks Law" makes any sense, though.)

i'm-ranked-ahead-of-all-at-'zero'-<wink>-ly y'rs,



Grant R. Griffin                                       g2 at dspguru.com
Publisher of dspGuru                           http://www.dspguru.com
Iowegian International Corporation            http://www.iowegian.com

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