generating SQL - problem

Steve Holden sholden at
Wed Aug 8 18:22:06 EDT 2001

"Lee" <lee.reilly at> wrote in message
news:3B71AA2D.E9D219B7 at
> I wonder if someone could offer me a little advice. I have a large
> (155KB) text file holding MP3 data in the format:
> Filename with path   ; Title    ; Artistd
> d:\\SRS\\Breed.mp3      ; Breed         ; Snake River Conspiracy
> I want to parse this file and create a single SQL insert statement, but
> I am having a few problems. I have the following script, which works
> fine (may not be pretty, but it works ;-)
> #
> # |
> # |
> # | import string
> # |
> # | fileobject=open('newdata.txt', 'r')  # open the playlist
> # | line = fileobject.readline()          # read the first line
> # |
> # | FullSQL = ''  # the final query string
> # | end = 'false' # test condition - true when end of file is reached
> # | while (end!='true'):
> # |   try:
> # |     line = fileobject.readline()
> # |     trackdata=string.split(line, ";")
> # |     file=string.rstrip(trackdata[0])
> # |     title=string.lstrip(string.rstrip(trackdata[1]))
> # |     artist=string.lstrip(string.rstrip(trackdata[2]))
> # |     SQL = 'insert into MP3s values (\'' + file + '\', \'' + title +
> '\', \''
> # |     + artist + '\')'
> # |     FullSQL = FullSQL + SQL + ";"
> # |   except Exception:
> # |     end='true'
> #
> When I run this script is takes ~5 secs to process, and when I type in
> 'FullSQL' to display the text (the SQL string) in IDLE it halts
> completely.  It works fine with smaller test data. I am using Python 2.0
> on Win98. Can anyone suggest what the problem is and how it can be
> remedied?
The problem is with IDLE's display of very large strings. Pythonwin has
similar problems.

The *real* question would be why you want to create all these statements
when a single one would do.

What you could do (unless you are wedded to huge SQL batches :-) is as
follows (untested hack warning):

import string

fileobject=open('newdata.txt', 'r')  # open the playlist

data = []
while 1:
    line = fileobject.readline()          # read a line
    if not line:
    trackdata=string.split(line, ";")
data = tuple(data)
dbconn = (expression to open the database of your choice)
cursor = conn.cursor()
    "INSERT INTO MP3s (fname1, fname2, fname3) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",

Of course you may want to run the SQL through some databse you only have
text access to, in which case this won't work. But for experimentation you
could get a copy of mxODBC and use that.

I've re-cast your loop into the recommended Pythonic form, which you will
note makes things a little simpler. As to why you would want to see such a
huge statement, I have no idea!


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