Embedded Python and MySQLdb (was Re: PyApache and MySQLdb (was Re: anyone get one of the python apache modules to work with 2.1?))

Lele Gaifax lele at seldati.it
Thu Aug 30 05:31:43 EDT 2001

I remember that the same kind of oddity came out from the mxDateTime
module: it was caused by the way the module was (is ?) caching some
internal Python symbol.

PyApache tries to behave as a standalone Python interpreter, clearing
the interpreter state. But some module does not catch the signal, and
it does not re-ask for the object when it needs it.

Having had a little exchange with Guido at the time, I'm afraid
there's little PyApache can do with the matter: as your little test
demonstrate it is due to the way Py_EndInterpreter() does the
"shutdown" process... It is the module itself that should check for
the "new interpreter", and eventually refresh its cache.

Maybe using PyApache "single-interpreter" modality would help a
little, since in that case there will ever be just one long-running

bye, lele.
nickname: Lele Gaifax	| Hold on, hold on - They put you in a box so you
real: Emanuele Gaifas	| can't get heard - Let your spirit stay unbroken, 
email: lele at seldati.it	| may you not be deterred - P.Gabriel "Wallflower"

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