Writeing new files

eber kain eberkain at earthlink.net
Fri Aug 31 20:46:08 EDT 2001

you lost me, whats dir() do, and how do i use it.

I should have said earlier, im a C++ person, only started looking into
Python a few weeks ago.

If i had a choice of something else i wouldnt use python, but its the
only medium to get the models out of blender.

I really have a hard time understanding how the classes in python
function, and the for statement gives me problems. To be honest i dont
care for the launguage, if I had looked at it before i started C it
probably wouldnt look so odd, not even sure if it was around when i
started in programming.

If anyone who is reading this knows how to use python with blender,
and is willing to work on a script for me some, i would really
appreciate it.

Just express your intrest and ill post details about how i need the
file format to be set up.

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