if-else with '|' operator - beginner's question/problem

Mikael Olofsson mikael at isy.liu.se
Thu Aug 9 04:54:35 EDT 2001

On 08-Aug-2001 Gillou wrote:
 >  Bug...
 >  You forgot the "y" in the vowels ;-)

I guess it depends on what language is assumed, if y is to be considered 
a vowel or not. And you could also argue that y is a vowel or not 
depending on the position in the word. Consider for example the English 
words "yield" and "sadly". So, you could want to treat y separately.


E-Mail:  Mikael Olofsson <mikael at isy.liu.se>
WWW:     http://www.dtr.isy.liu.se/dtr/staff/mikael               
Phone:   +46 - (0)13 - 28 1343
Telefax: +46 - (0)13 - 28 1339
Date:    09-Aug-2001
Time:    10:50:05

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