
Paul Rubin phr-n2001 at
Tue Aug 28 02:24:59 EDT 2001

aahz at (Aahz Maruch) writes:
> Ah.  Well, let me channel Tim and Guido and tell you to come back when
> you have a patch that supports the following platforms:
> Linux
> Windows
> Mac OS X
> Solaris
> Portability is one of Python's prime virtues, and I know that Guido and
> team *hate* maintaining lots of platform-specific code.  Do feel free to
> write up the PEP, though; having a design spec is one of the necessary
> requisites for getting anywhere.

It can't be done portably, but mmap() can't be done portably either.
There has to be platform specific code for both.

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