Not installing interpreter on local machine

Markus Schaber markus at
Tue Aug 7 12:35:19 EDT 2001


Daphna Shezaf <shezafd at> schrub:

> I am a python enthusiast and have been programming around in python
> for sometime. I came up with the idea to use python for internal
> scripts we need in my company (for example: build scripts).
> That's nice (I think), but it will be hard to convince people that
> python interpreter should be installed on every machine around.
> Do you think it will be possible to install the interpreter on a
> single server, so that people will actually run their scripts on this
> server? Is it possible (and how), for the script to run a program on a
> different machine (We're using windows 2000 LAN)? Any other helpful
> hints?

If - for any reason - you have X11-Servers, VNC or something similar 
already installed, you could use an Linux/Unix/BSDish (maybe even 
CygWin) Python application server this way.

If you have java on the clients, maybe Jython (aka JPython) is a 
solution, then you only have to distribute the .class / .jar - files.

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