Accessing ODBC Database

Jose Rodriguez tub4jxr at
Mon Aug 6 23:33:50 EDT 2001

Can someone assist me with providing a clear example concerning how to
access a database from the standpoint of:

a - establishing the connection to the datasource (DSN)
b - how to do the SQL string to query a table
c - writing a record (insert) to the datasource
d - deleting a record from the datasource (and moving record pointer
e - closing the connection

I am currently just overly confusing myself as to how this is done
(should be done) and what modules to import.  I would like to use
Python to quickly come up with code periodically to do simple record
manipulations on a DSN.  Currently I use Winbatch to do my system
automation but it looks like Python can do everything that WinBatch
can and then some.

Appreciate any and all help.

Thank you

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