A survey of Python IDEs

Cris A. Fugate fugate at lucent.com
Tue Aug 28 10:05:32 EDT 2001

In the Tcl/Tk  world we have Visual Tcl. I use it to get a quick
view of how a gui should look without writting code. Of course
it generates Tcl/Tk code which should be easy to translate into
Python. If someone is brave they could probably rewrite it in

Cris A. Fugate          Lucent Technologies, Robust Process Automation
fugate at lucent.com       http://ihgpweb.ih.lucent.com/~fugate
630 713-8255            Sponsor of the lucent.lang.tcl newsgroup

On 27 Aug 2001, Justin Doak wrote:

> I am not interested in a full-blown IDE, but rather in a GUI builder
> for Python. (Of course, if I get a good GUI builder with an IDE, then
> I'd consider using an IDE.) Specifically, the GUI builder should be
> cross-platform (i.e., the code it generates should work on Windows and
> Linux at least) and an open source tool is preferable to a commercial
> one for cost reasons. Using Tkinter seems to be the default way of
> getting cross-platform GUIs with Python, but this involves writing
> relatively low-level GUI code that I'd prefer to avoid. If anyone has
> any thoughts on this matter, I'd love to hear them.
> JD

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