Whats wrong with this code?

Adonis Vargas deltapigz at telocity.com
Sat Aug 25 20:18:04 EDT 2001

it will connect; and send the data; but i am not receiving anything? it
did work prior to me tinkering with it; but it is now back to how it
was; and no cigar?

any help would greatly be appreciated,


-- code --

# main
    pirc.connect((pirc_serv, pirc_port))
except socket.error, (code, desc):
    print 'Socket Error: %d:%s'%(code, desc)

print 'Connected'
pirc_data = pirc.makefile()
pirc.send('NICK %s\r'%pirc_nick)
pirc.send('USER %s %s %s :%s\r'%(pirc_user, socket.gethostname(),
pirc_serv, pirc_name))

while 1:
    data = pirc_data.readlines()
    if data:
        print data

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