Facilities Management Software.

Richard Jones richard at bizarsoftware.com.au
Sun Aug 26 22:44:30 EDT 2001

On Monday 27 August 2001 12:13, Bart Bartels wrote:
> THANK you.  I think that I will take your advice.  This sounds like a good
> way to do the initial development and I will also take John Socha's advise
> and take the minimalist approach i.e. start using the software as soon as
> it starts to work and refine from there.

Please consider using an existing tool as a starting point. I'm the lead 
developer of a Roundup implementation project - see:


Roundup is a very well designed issue tracking system that has a very 
flexible database backend allowing almost any conceivable issue tracking 
application to use it (bug tracking, support issues and your requests 
scenario). It comes with two example schemas (the extended one is actually in 
use here as our bug/support tracking system) and is easy to add new ones. It 
has command-line, CGI and e-mail gateways. And more...

Roundup will allow you to achieve all the requirements that Andrae gives in 
his message, and then some. I'd be happy to expand on that if you like. There 
is a users mailing list that you may subscribe to for more help.

I send you this message just so that you don't go off and re-invent the wheel 
unnecessarily :)


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