Peter Hansen peter at
Fri Aug 31 20:28:19 EDT 2001

brian wrote:
> Hello
> Kinda new to python here is what I am trying to do
> working with windows nt a simple ping script
> this is what I have.
> _______________________________________________________
> import os
> import ping

Where did you see that you could import ping?  There
is no such module in the standard library.

When you post code that doesn't work, it's far more
useful to post the interactive session you used to
test the code.  To do that, run python interactively,
then do an 'import mycode' where your code resides
in a file called (or whatever).  Then cut 
and paste the session into your news reader and post
it here.  

In this case, if you had done that, you would probably
have seen "ImportError: no module named ping", which
should have pointed you towards the answer.

Peter Hansen, P.Eng.
peter at

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