special case (inf,-inf,nan) float problems.

Kevin Jacobs jacobs at darwin.epbi.cwru.edu
Fri Apr 6 07:53:42 EDT 2001

Tim Peters <tim.one at home.com> wrote:
> Sorry, it has not.  Providing a consistent 754 story across platforms is a
> pain in the ass, because none of this behavior is covered by C89, and every
> vendor does it a different way.  So it requires a large pile of platform
> #ifdef'ed code, and platform experts to write and contribute that stuff.  But
> so far, nobody has volunteered any actual work (talk, yes; code, no).

Code, yes--  its just not ready to be seen by the light of day.  It has
taken a long time because I want to make it possible for CPython and Jython
to eventually have the same FP semantics -- or at least as close as
possible.  I've yet to directly tackle the direct Python implementation, but
I'm working on a C library I'm calling libieee754 that abstracts the bulk of
what C99 FP allows, even though most platforms do not yet support it
directly.  My goal is for a public release in the next few months, a formal
PEP and Python integration soon thereafter.


----------->  Kevin Jacobs  <-----------|------->  (216) 986-0710  <--------
Informatics Consultant                  | Department of Epidemiology
Primary mail:   jacobs at theopalgroup.com |   & Biostatistics
Alternate mail: jacobs at darwin.cwru.edu  | Case Western Reserve University

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