Python Performance vs. C++ in a Complex System

Michael Hudson mwh21 at
Thu Apr 19 18:32:31 EDT 2001

Courageous <jkraska1 at> writes:

> In retrospect, it's the lack of a true continuation model in C++
> which is to blame.

Somewhat tangentially, I've been thinking a bit over the past few days
about what it would take to make Stackless Python interpreter *really*
nonrecursive (i.e. even for things like __cmp__ methods), and decided
that it probably would be less painful to write it in assembler than C
(I guess scheme or somesuch would be the best choice).  Particularly
if half decent performance was an issue.  C just doesn't support this
style of programming.


  It could be argued that since Suitespot is infinitely terrible,
  that anything else, by very definition of being anything else,
  is infinitely superior.                -- ".", alt.sysadmin.recovery

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