In the Absence of a GoTo Statement: Newbie needs menu-launcher to choose amongst sub-programs

Emile van Sebille emile at
Fri Apr 13 23:26:17 EDT 2001

I wrote some very good systems in Basic, and am still supporting code first
put in production in the late '70s.  I've also seen some *very* bad code.
GOTO, when not used to emulate a block structure, is bad.


Emile van Sebille
emile at

"Ron Stephens" <rdsteph at> wrote in message
news:3AD66F8F.DA6DD2C4 at
> Hmm, thanks! But now I worry myself, if "GoTo" was good enough for Donald
> Knuth...then why isn't it good enough for me??? And, is it therefore
possible that
> the whole crusade against "goto" is just an irrational fad??/ Are we
> ourselves for no good reason??? Will future generations of computer users,
in the
> year 3000 A.D., look back and view our forswearing of the most usefull
> statement, as equivalent to how we view Islamic folks beating themselves
with whips
> in a religious frenzy???

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