do...until wisdom needed...

Douglas Alan nessus at
Tue Apr 17 20:43:45 EDT 2001

grey at (Steve Lamb) writes:

>     So, again, I find it laughable that adding the complexity of having to
> relearn the language for each programmer's whimsy is somehow lauded as an
> exercise in simplicity and efficiency.  More so when it is proven that
> maintainability in such an open and free environment (Perl, in spite of what
> Douglas Alan says) is hard to obtain.

Go program in Lisp for a couple of years and then come back and make
these claims.  In the meantime, you just come across as someone who is
profoundly ignorant, is satisfied with remaining profoundly ignorant,
and doesn't mind spouting off about things about which he is
profoundly ignorant.


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