Bug in os.popen* and win32pipe.popen*? - pipetest.py [0/1]

Alan Miller ajm at enteract.com
Mon Apr 16 02:26:06 EDT 2001

I've run into an interesting situation - I'm trying to call Info-Zip to 
compress and encrypt files using os.system, popen or popen4 depending on 
whether I want to log the information it spits out.  I can call it with 
no problems with os.system, but using any popen (os or win32pipe) fails 
_if_ the password I pass in contains a space.  I suspect that this 
may apply for other uses where a quoted string includes a space.

The specific symptom is that the process appears to hang, though it seems 
like what's really happening is that w9xpopen or Win32popenwin9x grabs 
the focus to a hidden window and expects some input.  Attached code 
demonstrates the problem, but requires that either PKZip or the version 
of Info-Zip that supports encryption be installed.  The behavior seems to 
be the same for both.

This is all on Win95 at the moment, I haven't had a chance to test it on 
an NT box yet.

Any suggestions?


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