Tkinter: Make it go away!

Phlip phlip_cpp at
Thu Apr 26 10:12:54 EDT 2001

Proclaimed Rick Pasotto from the mountaintops:

> If you insist on putting up with the possible flickering as the window
> resizes:

> lab1.destroy()

Thanks to you and to Martyn's 'forget' tip.

> Is there some reason not to just change the text in the label that's
> already there?

I have this friend who is hot all over "CodeUnitTestFirst". I think it's a 
bunch of hooey myself, but I'm required to write code that creates 
invisible windows, tests them, and destroys them without calling 'mainloop' 
on any of them:

        build a window but don't mainloop it yet
        if testmode: test test test
        if not testmode: mainloop
        buld another window

So if we are in test mode, we can't have the gadgets from the first window 
poluting the second one. Also during a development cycle I'l want to call a 
'mainloop' anyway to see how a given window is doing.

  Phlip                          phlip_cpp at
============== ==============
  --  Set phasers on illin'  --

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