OOT: real-world Smalltalk applications?

Kragen Sitaker kragen at dnaco.net
Tue Apr 3 17:56:46 EDT 2001

In article <mailman.986289077.12940.python-list at python.org>,
Steven Haryanto  <steven at haryan.to> wrote:
>AFAIK, Smalltalk is a mature OO language that has inspired
>many other languages. But I look for a while on the Web
>and have so far spotted nearly... one.

Nearly one what?  Implementation?  www.squeak.org

<kragen at pobox.com>       Kragen Sitaker     <http://www.pobox.com/~kragen/>
Perilous to all of us are the devices of an art deeper than we possess
       -- Gandalf the White [J.R.R. Tolkien, "The Two Towers", Bk 3, Ch. XI]

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