Deprecate self

D-Man dsh8290 at
Wed Apr 18 17:21:54 EDT 2001

On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 06:26:02PM +0200, Steve Purcell wrote:
| D-Man wrote:
| > It doesn't work quite as nicely with inner classes though :
| Probably the following will work:
|             Bar.this.doSomething() ;
| instead of
|             this.doSomething() ;

Yes, but it still isn't the prettiest thing.

| Anyway, Jikes isn't the most reliable java compiler when it comes to
| inner classes. Your example will probably work fine with javac.

Nope, javac says the same thing (just spelled slightly differently
;-)).  After all, with the inner class you have a new object.  That
object can be referred to by 'this' inside (non-static) methods of the
class.  Thus I want 'this' to magically unambiguously refer to two
different objects at the same time.


BTW, Where have you seen a problem with jikes?  (this should probably
be taken off-list since it is java specific, not actually python

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