ActiveState Ruby?

Mats Wichmann xyzmats at
Sat Apr 14 22:53:32 EDT 2001

On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 15:53:01 -0400, "Tim Peters" < at>

>[Steve Holden]
>> ...
>> The future of the language is now (allegedly) in the hands of the
>> Python Software Foundation, and ActiveState do seem to be supporting
>> that quite actively.
>> credit-where-credit-is-due-ly y'rs  - steve
>Indeed, without Dick Hardt's personal and repeated efforts on its behalf, I
>expect the PSF would still be just an idea.
>Speaking of which, for all *you* can tell, it's *still* just an idea
><wink/sigh>.  The PSF was officially launched at the Python Conference, a
>board of directors was elected, and some sponsors signed up.  Unfortunately,
>the minutes haven't been published yet because the Board has to approve
>publication first, and it turns out the bylaws don't allow for any Board
>decisions to be made via email.  Or at least that's the latest procedural
>glitch.  Hang in there!

Sigh.  Standard boilerplate bylaws stuff; some states won't really let
you get around it cleanly, either.  Tell 'em to amend the bylaws to
add a strongly worded "action without a meeting" section that allows
for unanimous consent (even via email!) (assuming the bylaws let the
board amend the bylaws).  Been there, done that...
Mats Wichmann

(Anti-spam stuff: to reply remove the "xyz" from the
address xyzmats at Not that it helps much...)

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