If you want X, you know where to find it (was Re: do...until wisdom needed...)

Alex Martelli aleaxit at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 17 11:21:51 EDT 2001

"Benjamin.Altman" <benjamin.altman at noaa.gov> wrote in message
news:3ADC4E60.C827D8A0 at noaa.gov...
> If Python is supposed to provide one obviously correct way of doing things
> did they create the lambda notation?

Historically, I believe, because some user way back
when supplied patches for that and map/reduce/filter,
and the normally very sensitive screens of our BDFL
didn't trigger.  But I wasn't around then, so I have
it second-hand.  Today, of course, many long-time
users are hopelessly in love with lambdas, so it's
out of the question that they'll ever be removed
(I think even the mythical Py3k never dreamed about
doing that).

Surely SOME old-timer who HAS been around throughout
can give more solid info on this historical-interest-
only item...?


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