Python Books for 2002

Tim Randolph timothyrandolph at
Wed Apr 4 19:46:28 EDT 2001

"Laura Lewin" <Laura_01 at>:
> --Tim can tell you that I've pestered him way too many times to count on
> algorithms. (so dare to dream on that one.)  It's possible we'd consider
> algorithms by another author (we have) but it's a tougher sell if it's
> anyone  but Tim.

I think I have a plan to get Tim Peters to write your algorithms book:

1.  Find a co-author. Algorithm books always have lots of authors anyway.
2.  Have the co-author pose as a confused Python beginner and post questions
to this list.  The questions should be along these lines: "I heard you can
write the Ford-Fulkerson method in Perl in three lines and it is really hard
in Python.  Should I use Perl?"
3.  Cut and Paste Tim's answers into the appropriate chapters of the book.

or-you-could-just-pay-him-a-million-dollars-ly yr's,


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