do...until wisdom needed...

Ken Peek Peek at LVCM.comNOSPAM
Mon Apr 16 02:45:28 EDT 2001

Thank you for the history lesson.  My question still stands--  I don't care if
it will be implemented or not.  I am looking for what would be the correct
"Pythonic" construct if it WERE implemented...

"Terry Reedy" <tjreedy at> wrote in message
news:9bdv6f$quq$1 at
> > Here is my question--  If Python WERE to have a "do...until" construct,
> what
> > would be the best way to implement the syntactical rules?
> This has been discussed ad nauseum for years with no agreement.  If and
> when maillist or newsgroup archives are available, you can review at your
> leisure.

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