problems with eval()

Brian Forney bforney at
Fri Apr 27 01:02:01 EDT 2001


I am trying to use eval in Python 2.0. I am trying to use reo.sub() and a
method that compiles and eval()'s some code from a text file to perform
flexible replacements. Unfortunately, I see a TypeError in

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 27, in ?
    reo.sub(subClass.subFN, str);
  File "/s/python-2.0.0//lib/python2.0/", line 115, in _sub
    return _subn(pattern, template, string, count)[0]
  File "/s/python-2.0.0//lib/python2.0/", line 140, in _subn
    return _join(s, string[:0]), n
  File "/s/python-2.0.0//lib/python2.0/", line 89, in _join
    return string.join(seq, sep[:0])
  File "/s/python-2.0.0//lib/python2.0/", line 129, in join
    return sep.join(words)
TypeError: sequence item 1: expected string, None found

I cannot figure out why this is happening. If I print out the eval() of the
compiled code, I see "None" displayed. So, the eval() is not returning what I
would expect.

I'm pretty much at wit's end with this. (Maybe I am too sleep deprived to
see the real problem. :) I would like to know what I am doing
wrong, but I am ready to abandon this. If anyone would be kind to tell me
what I am doing wrong, I would greatly appreciate any help.

Here's the smallest piece of Python code that reproduces the problem:


#!/s/std/bin/env python

import copy;
import re;

class SubstituteClass:
    """ """

    __path = None;
    __newStr = None;

    def __init__(self, path):
	self.__path = copy.deepcopy(path);

    def subFN(self, matchObj):
	expr ='expr');
	compObj = compile(expr, '<string>', 'exec');

	return eval(compObj, {'path':self.__path});

FO = open("test.txt", "r");
str =;

reo = re.compile("\<(?P<expr>.+?)\>");
subClass = SubstituteClass("somePath/thatIsNotBogus.config");
reo.sub(subClass.subFN, str);


Here's the file test.txt that is read in by the Python code:


error        = results/cache/<import re; re.sub("config", "barnes.error",


Notice the embedded Python code in test.txt.


ubi caritas et amor

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