Python compiler?

Fernando Rodríguez spamers at must.die
Thu Apr 19 15:46:55 EDT 2001

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001 20:39:08 -0500, Luke <floods at> wrote:

>To compile a language, you need to know types explicitly so memory 'boundaries'
>are known.  When you can say x = 1; x = []; x = {} that poses a major problem.
>There is no 1 type.

In dynamic languages variables don't have types, it's what they point to that
has a type. So, in you example, x doesn't have a type, it's 1, [] and {} that
do have a type.  This has nothing to do with the ability to compile or not.

Other dynamic languages, such as common lisp and dylan, do have optimizing
compilers. A common lisp implementation called CormanLisp _only_ has a
compiler (there's no interpreter) and everything you type into the top level
gets compiled before being evaluated.

>I think there is a tool called freeze (my memory is very sketchy) that will
>make a self contained exe.
>I know! Guido can add typing to the language!  It'll be great.
>list x = []; dict y = {}

My goodness... You better ask Larry Wall for this "feature"...

>1 dog + 4 legs = octapus

1 loser - 1 brain = 1 troll

//	Fernando Rodriguez Romero
//	frr at mindless dot com

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