
Robin Dunn robin at
Tue Apr 24 15:35:42 EDT 2001

"Romuald Texier" <rtexier at> wrote in message
news:9c3blo$p6m$1 at
> Mark blobby Robinson wrote:
> > Hi Romuald,
> >
> > thanks for the advice. Can you tell me how to force shelve to use gbd or
> > direct me to any documentation. I am have to admit I am a bit of newbie
> > both to python and linux, so sorry for being a pain in the arse.
> To be honest, the last time I did it, I was so irritated that I just
> removed the bsddb module from my system... It is quite a brute force way
> (shame on me).

You could always switch to bsddb3, found at
It gives you lots of improvments over bsddb, gdbm, etc. such as cursors,
locking, transactional commit/rollback, safe multi-thread or -process access
to the DB, etc. and all of these are also available when using its version
of shelve.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin at       Java give you jitters?      Relax with wxPython!

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