do...until wisdom found...

Grant Edwards grante at
Wed Apr 18 12:38:22 EDT 2001

In article <NcjD6.8003$4N4.1751729 at>, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
>Dave LeBlanc wrote:
>> >But it does have one entry point and one exit point! Count 'em:
>> >
>> >while 1:                        <--- one entry point
>> >    set up for this cycle
>> >    if c: break                 <--- one exit point
>> >    whatever needs to be done
>>       <----- another exit point
>under what circumstances will that loop exit at the end?

When 1 is false?

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  If Robert Di Niro
                                  at               assassinates Walter Slezak,
                                 will Jodie Foster marry

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