string copy of a list

Jim Richardson warlock at
Sun Apr 22 18:03:09 EDT 2001

On Mon, 16 Apr 2001 22:10:34 +0200, 
 Alex Martelli, in the persona of <aleaxit at>,
 brought forth the following words...:

>"Jim Richardson" <warlock at> wrote in message
>news:slrn9dk6ga.98l.warlock at gargoyle.myth...
>> I am stumped, str(listname) returns a string of list, but includes the
>> and [] that the list would show if printed. I want a string copy of a
>list, is
>> there a simple way I have missed? please? thanks
>What is each item in your list?  If each item is a string, presumably what
>you're asking for is to have all items joined -- either simply juxtaposed,
>without separators, or maybe with (e.g.) a blank joining them?  If so,
>then the join method of string objects will perform either task:
>    juxtaposed = ''.join(listname)
>    blankjoined = ' '.join(listname)
>If your list's items are NOT strings, you presumably want to make them
>into strings before joining them.  If str is acceptable for that:
>    juxtap1 = ''.join(map(str, listname))
>etc.  Or, you may use another function that "makes each of your items
>into a string" more effectively, if there is one.

Thanks, this helps a lot. It's a list of mixed types, ints and strings, I tried
join but it didn't work at first because of the strings issue, some kind
poster gave me a hint that it was for lists of strings only and that got me
over the hump. Musta been a brain blockage on my part.  Thanks all :)

Jim Richardson
	Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
	Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.

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