win32com_garbage collection, another QTN

zzzzz zzizz_ at
Sun Apr 22 19:23:40 EDT 2001

Hi all,

Someone else mentioned a similar question a while ago though I can't
find it in google groups, I think the exact question was about

My problem is excel, and getting it to close properly:

import win32com.client


## read stuff from excel worksheet without modifying file

state.Quit()   # This is what was suggested to the previous QTN
del state

According to what I've read, this sequence of quit commands should
close excel (even without the .Quit command). To all appearances this
is true, however, when I look at the task manager (I'm using NT4.0sp6)
good old excel.exe is still running. The only way to close it cleanly
(that I know of) is to close the interpreter.

Is this an example of python garbage collecting when it wants?
If it is the should there be a better way to disassociate the COM
application other that del?



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