do...until wisdom found...

Dennis Baker drbaker at
Tue Apr 17 19:30:08 EDT 2001

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001 21:16:47 +0200 "Alex Martelli" <aleaxit at> wrote:

) Uh, Dennis, have you READ Knuth's classic article?  Finding
) reprints of the mid-70's original issue of "Computing Surveys"
) may be hard, but it IS one of the articles that define the
) history of programming, so it's been widely reprinted, for
) ex in his "Literate Programming" book, an interesting one
) to read anyway.  Please come back with your critique AFTER
) you are aware of the Master's arguments...

'Nuff... I've been buried by this :) Attempting to argue this point on six or seven fronts when it sounds like I'm thoroughly outgunned and outnumbered is foolish.  I refuse to prove myself to be ignorant AND pigheaded.  I will try and track down a copy of Literate Programming.

) Alex

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