ANNOUNCE: python-win32 mailing list

Itamar Shtull-Trauring itamar at
Tue Apr 3 09:47:20 EDT 2001

Paul Moore wrote:

> Most Win32 stuff gets discussed on this list. I'd rather not have a separate
> list - especially as the new list will not be gatewayed to Usenet, where I
> read this list.
> What Win32 issue do you feel unable to raise here?

It's not that I feel I can't ask questions here, it's that the traffic here
is overwhelming, and I feel there exists a need for smaller forums on
specific issues. Python is just too big to discuss everything in one list or
newsgroup. That's why there is an XML-SIG mailing list, and a python-crypto
mailing list, etc..

itamar at  |  ASCIITUX T-Shirts:               |

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