Problems using Py2exe and pyOpenGL

Thomas Paviot thomas.paviot at
Thu Apr 26 11:54:49 EDT 2001

> Hello,
> I'm trying to freeze wiht Py2exe 0.2.5 a program using wxPython and
> PyOpenGL.
> Although it works fine with wxPython, py2exe doesn't freeze pyopengl.
> The opengll dll's and pyopengl .pyd are not copied in the DIST directory
> the
> lauch of .exe file produces an error message like:
> >File "imputil.pyo", line 294, in _load_tail
> >    ImportError: No module named OpenGL.dynload._opengl
> I tried to modify my sys.path, sys.modules, and the command line
> of the py2exe script but it doesn't work.
py2exe cannot track that OpenGL/dynload modifies the __path__.

>The easiest solution would be to copy everything (the .pyd's)
>from OpenGL\dynload\win32 into OpenGL\dynload.
>With this change py2exe can successfully build the demo\da\

>Thomas (Heller)

With this method, it becomes possible to build , but not scripts
using GLU extensions
For example,

from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLUT import *

will work properly, but if you try to build:

from OPEN.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *

you will be prompted an error message:
>ImportError: No module named OpenGL.dynload.openglutil_num.glconst

Thomas Paviot

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