Newbie needs menu-launcher to choose amongst sub-programs

Ron Stephens rdsteph at
Fri Apr 13 16:53:31 EDT 2001

Laura Creighton wrote:

> If you go out and buy Mark Lutz' Programming Python Second Edition,
> you will get a Tkinter menu launcher to do exactly that.  Plus a
> full explanation of how it works, p 425 - 446.
> Laura Creighton
> lac at

Thanks , Laura!!! Ok, now I am really embarasssed...I actually did buy
this book last weekend. Last night, after I got home form work, I spent
a couple of hours trying to understand this program for a Tkinter
program launcher. I did not completely succeed, I'm afraid. I will try
again, but for some reason Tkinter programs are difficult for me to
understand, even well enough to make minor modifications to example code
form books to do what I want. I feel very inadequate because of this,
but I am a 48 year old man..maybe it's hard to teach an old dog new

Now, this morning I couldn't even find the program on the cd rom, I
thought it was named pyDemo or else demoPy but I can only find Launcher
or pyGadgets which I think are sub-programs...hmmm I hope I didn't
somehow accidentally erase it off of the cd rom! How can one person be
so clumsy and culls??? Maybe there should be rule against a terminally
clumsy guy like me trying to learn Python or any programming

Do you know what the name of the program that launches the Programming
Python examples from a menu is??? If its pyDemo or DemoPy I no longer
can fin it...

Ron Stephens

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