do...until wisdom found...

Toby Dickenson tdickenson at
Wed Apr 18 05:21:00 EDT 2001

Dennis Baker <drbaker at> wrote:

>On Tue, 17 Apr 2001 18:37:46 GMT "Fredrik Lundh" <fredrik at> wrote:
>) Dennis Baker wrote
>) > )         while 1:
>) > )             set up for this cycle
>) > )             if c: break
>) > )             whatever needs to be done

>I suppose this is a product of my Structured Programming coursework,  I simply
>avoid constructs like this.  I was taught that loops and functions should have 
>one entry point and one exit point.

But it does have one entry point and one exit point! Count 'em:

while 1:                        <--- one entry point
    set up for this cycle
    if c: break                 <--- one exit point
    whatever needs to be done

Toby Dickenson
tdickenson at

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