My First CGI Script

Ben Ocean zope at
Fri Apr 27 09:16:35 EDT 2001

If anyone has a simple cgi script they could share with me that does 
anything remotely similar to the needs I outline herein and the script I've 
cobbled together at the bottom of this email it would be appreciated!

At 10:22 PM 4/26/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>Ben Ocean wrote:
> > **How do I capture the data?
>What I normally do first is
>form = cgi.FieldStorage()
>That grabs all of the data from your form. Then, you
>can grab the individual components of your form by
>using it like a dictionary. (ie: form["name"], form["address"])

I'm lucky. This first project is dirt-down simple. I don't care what the 
data is! I just need to get it to the client after the visitor enters it. I 
was designing a page to put up on the site, but perhaps it would just be 
easier to email the data to the client.

>There are a couple of good examples in the library reference.

I wasn't able to find anything simple. The examples I found were too 
complex for newbies. Probably didn't look in the right place...

> > **How do I write a Web page on the fly and assign it the name *Report*?
>Anyway, as I was saying, what I normally do is just print the
>results to stdout like so:
>print 'Content-type: text/html\n\n'
>print '<HTML>\n'\
>       '   <BODY>\n'\
>       '      This is my name: '+form["name"]+'\n'\
>       '   </BODY>\n'\
>       '</HTML>'
>and your browser should pick it up just fine.

Do I define a function called main?

Here's my script, such as it is right now:


import sys # just for debugging purposes
import cgi
import time
import string
import os

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
print 'Content-type: text/html\n\n'

# specify the filename of the page to send the dealership
Report = repr(time.time()) + ".html"

# read the entire file as a string
def main():
   start = "<html><body>\nHere's the data a potential customer requested 
from the Kelley Blue Book link on your Web site:<br> <br>\n"
   FormData = open("/apache/vhosts/bladechevy/cgi-bin/kelleyblue.html","r")
   formstuff = ""
   while FormData.readline():
     safe = string.maketrans("`|~!@#$%^&*()_+=:;{}[]", 
     line = 
safe), "<input type-\"hidden\" name-\"", "<tr><td>"), "\" value-\"", 
"</td><td>"), "\">", "</td></tr>\n")
     formstuff = string.join([formstuff,line])
   end = "</body></html>\n"
   all = string.join([start,formstuff,end])
   FormData.close()                    # close the file

if (__name__ == "__main__"):

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