python modules as user configuration files

Graham Guttocks graham_guttocks at
Thu Apr 5 15:36:22 EDT 2001

Greetings Python Experts,

For my application, I would like users to have a python module as
a configuration file to define variables and whatnot.

Is there any way to explicitly import a particular file using its full
path name?

Such as:

>>> import /home/graham/config
(to load ~/

All I could figure out was to append the user's home directory to
sys.path before import.

>>> import os, sys
>>> sys.path.append(os.path.expanduser("~"))
>>> import config

My other question is:  is there way to store a python module as a
dot-file (i.e, "~/").  It seems by default this is not

>>> import .config
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    import .config
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


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