[Python-Dev] Class Methods

Tim Peters tim.one at home.com
Fri Apr 20 13:44:40 EDT 2001

[Thomas Heller]
> ...
> PS: I find it strange that everyone so far seems to be against it.

I didn't get that sense yet.  I did get the sense they're not actively *for*
it yet, and the questions asked so far explain why:  What does it buy us?
What are the current alternatives?  What are the costs (not least of all in
terms of breaking existing code)?  It's a bunch of tradeoffs, and it appears
that few who aren't steeped in Smalltalk's view of the world understand what
the practical *attraction* is.

The same questions get asked even for wholly non-controversial changes, like,
say, adding an optional ">> file" clause to "print" <wink>.

by-default-it's-best-to-resist-everything-ly y'rs  - tim

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