Sockets: Sending/receiving arbitrary amounts of data

skip at skip at
Sun Apr 29 23:49:53 EDT 2001

    Daniel> Just starting to get my head around sockets ...

    Daniel> ... I'd just like to know if there is a 'high-level' way to
    Daniel> implement this so that client and server handle the requests
    Daniel> regardless of how much data is being sent/recv'd ?

Neil Schemenauer already responded about adding terminators and such to
indicate end of message for homegrown protocols.  I will go a bit off-topic
and suggest that unless one of the following is true:

    * you are using this exercise solely for a bit of education, or

    * you will be speaking to a service for which there is already an
      existing protocol but for which Python doesn't already provide a
      library (this excludes protocols like FTP, Telnet, NNTP and SMTP)

that you look at using something like XML-RPC, which already exists and is
supported by many libraries written in many different languages (including
Python, of course).  XML-RPC can be found at

Skip Montanaro (skip at

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