list vs tuple

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Mon Apr 2 07:58:32 EDT 2001

"deadmeat" <root@[]> wrote in message
news:ivXx6.1192$p5.4652 at
> > They're called lists, not arrays.
> So what other term applies to tuples and lists?  They're both arrays,
> a Pythonic twist.

"Sequence" is the term used in the Python documentation to describe
the commonalities between tuples, lists, arrays, and other data
structures yet which conform to the same interface.

The term 'array', in core Python, denotes of course a different
kind of sequence: see standard module 'array'.  The same term is
also used in Numeric Python to describe yet another kind of data
structure, closest to the 4/5 meanings you quote.


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