return values from scripts

Alexis Lê-Quôc alq666 at
Tue Apr 17 15:28:32 EDT 2001

If you do execfile ('', locals ()) and have look like:

do_some_stuff ()
globals ()["x"]= 7

then the enclosing .py will have a local variable named "x", whose value is

-- Alexis Le-Quoc

--- Mike Burnett <mnb at> wrote:
> While running a script in the python interpreter, I need to run a second
> script from the first, passing some values to the second.  I know I can
> do this with: execfile('',locals()).  Is there any way to get
> back into the original script one value (a return status) from the
> second script?  Is there any way to get several parameter values back?
> Mike Burnett
> burnettmn at
> -- 

Alexis Le-Quoc
New York

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