string.replace() or re.subn()

bragib at bragib at
Fri Sep 1 11:03:23 EDT 2000


I have the following problem where I am replacing periods in certain
names in a text file by underscores.  So for example if I have
these names in the file [set.1, set.1.1] I would like to replace
them everywhere by set_1 and set_1_1.  Now the catch is I can
have a line like this

line = '1.0, 2.0, set.1, set.1.1'

for name in ['set.1', 'set.1.1']:
    line = string.replace(line, name, string.replace(name,'.','_'))
    print line

1.0, 2.0, set_1, set_1.1
1.0, 2.0, set_1, set_1.1

which is not what I wanted.  I moved away from using re.sub because the
names can potentially contain characters such as

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

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