Is anyone aware of any conflicts with Windows ME?

Grant Griffin g2 at
Fri Sep 15 16:51:11 EDT 2000

Tim Peters wrote:
> > I'll be receiving my new PC shortly and it is coming with Windows
> > ME preloaded.  Has there been any testing with Python and ME.  I'd
> > really hate to crash it as soon as I get it.
> We've had only one beta tester report on Windows ME, using a prerelease of
> Python 2.0b1.  Python installed fine, and all of the standard test suite
> passed *except* for the new mmap module.  This appears to be a bug in
> Microsoft's stuff, but since we don't have a copy of ME yet it's darned hard
> to say.
> However, since you seem to believe that a Microsoft operating system
> crashing is something you can avoid, I'll assume you're a pretty new user of
> Microsoft operating systems <wink>.

Au contraire! (and maybe even "au jus" ;-)

I'm sure you've done more "torture testing" of Windows than I have, Tim,
but even though I have seen this reported frequently on Usenet, it's
contrary to my own experience (at least).  I've used NT 4.0 for several
years now, and my machine has been very stable for the last couple of
years.  In fact, I honestly can't remember the last time it
blue-screened on me.

The key (for NT 4.0, at least) is not to "stress it" by changing the its
drivers, memory, or whatever: once you work through the initial problems
of a configuration change, it's pretty stable.

   -disabled-that-valuable-'blue-screen'-feature-<wink>-ly y'rs,


Grant R. Griffin                                       g2 at
Publisher of dspGuru                 
Iowegian International Corporation

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