deltree function

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at
Fri Sep 22 11:41:48 EDT 2000

gangli at wrote:

> 1. The lines of code rmtree in is more than
>    twenty lines too. (Though it looks better than mine)

Sure, but the code in deltree is probably over twenty
lines, too -- but if those lines are hidden away in
a system utility or standard library somewhere, the
end programmer doesn't have to worry about them.

> 2. The code I posted was a modified version that only works
>    on Windoze system. The Windoze version is very fast on large
>    directory tree. It uses FindFiles from win32api.

I don't think deltree (or anything remotely like it)
should need to be used anything like often enough for 
speed to be crucial.  

- jonadab

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