More Pythonic Precalculus (Python 2.0)

Kirby Urner urner at
Fri Sep 22 23:07:16 EDT 2000

I posted a follow-up today re Pythonic Precalculus, part of
the edu-sig at "math through programming" thread.
Also tightened the code some (I'm not a true Python guru, 
but am learning a lot making these web pages).  

The whole point is to use zip() and list comprehension, 
new in Python 2.0 -- so don't expect the code to be backward
compatible, cuz it ain't.
contains some of my chatter.  Both of my posts under this
heading point to the web page where I show code and graphics
together (same look as my 'Numeracy + Computer Literacy'

Kirby Urner
Oregon Curriculum Network

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