socket problem?

David Bolen db3l at
Wed Sep 13 21:45:22 EDT 2000

Zajcev Evgeny <lg at> writes:

> hm, okay but what is if I do
> import socket
> ipsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_IP)
> ipsock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1)
> thats mean that all IP headers inluded in sending/receiving packets
> and I can generate IP packet
>  --------------------------------------------------------
>  |                 IP header                            |
>  --------------------------------------------------------
>  |     IP data = TCP header + TCP data                  |
>  --------------------------------------------------------
> and sendto() it.

True, but then you're manually generating IP packets - you won't get
any of the TCP headers for free, nor will you have a viable connection
over which data may be exchanged unless you implement the TCP protocol
itself.  Now I suppose if one were masochistic enough (or just really
bored) they might decide to re-implement TCP, but I don't think it's
worth the effort :-)

So to me, while at one level I suppose the above would represent a way
of generating a single IP packet with TCP protocol headers, it's
non-functional with respect to the TCP protocol proper without all the
associated TCP processing as part of a normal connection if your
overall intent is to actually send data to an endpoint using TCP.

> TCP headers included only if I cant do socket.setsockopt(<socket>, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1)
> and this thing works only if socket type is SOCK_RAW
> but, I can avoid generating IP headers.

If you don't set the socket option, then you'll get the IP header, but
you'll never get the TCP headers automatically on a RAW socket
regardless of this option.  Any higher level protocols above IP would
just be in the payload of the packet and constructed by the
application, as you indicate above.

> PS: I mention that sendto() method works defferently for
> different socket types.

Yep, which we agree on (as I noted the difference between stream and
datagram sockets).  It sounds like I misinterpreted something though
since I didn't realize you intended to work with raw sockets and
generate your own protocol headers.  That's not for the faint of
heart, and in some respects it begs the question as to why use raw
sockets to make TCP packets, when there's a perfectly good TCP
protocol layer to take care of it for you?

Looking back, it looks like your first posting talks about trying to
generate a TCP SYN packet and it failing, but the example code you show
just shows creating a normal stream socket (not a raw one) and it
failing on a sendto() because you haven't connected it - which makes
sense as per my last post.  If you had connected it, then the SYN
packet would have gone out as the first packet during the connection
(but would have been followed up by the completion of the three-way
handshake to form the TCP stream connection).

So perhaps the right question at this point is to ask if you can
rephrase what you are actually trying to accomplish?  Yes, you should
be able to use a raw socket to manually construct a TCP SYN packet in
isolation.  But I wouldn't expect it to do much in terms of
facilitating a data transfer of any sort in and of itself, so I'm not
sure what good it would be - unless maybe you're trying to generate a
denial of service attack in which case you're on your own. :-)

-- David
 \               David Bolen            \   E-mail: db3l at  /
  |             FitLinxx, Inc.            \  Phone: (203) 708-5192    |
 /  860 Canal Street, Stamford, CT  06902   \  Fax: (203) 316-5150     \

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