
Martin von Loewis loewis at
Mon Sep 25 17:16:12 EDT 2000

root at (David) writes:

> Is there any reason the XML sig has chosen to make it so f****g difficult
> to install the XML package?

What did you try to do, and what exactly was difficult?

> I go look through the sig archives, and I see dozens of people asking how
> to install the package, and *no answers* to those people.  I go crawling
> through the website looking for a FAQ or How-To, and *no answers*.  I
> download the package and the instructions are inadequate and apparently
> incorrect.

Did you try asking a question yourself?

> Is this some sort of special old-boys club, where only the 3l33T H4X0R
> D00DZ get to play?

No, it's free for anybody :-)

> Are y'all aware that the XML How-To doesn't jive, in the least little bit,
> with the XML package included with Python 2.0b?  

Yes, we know. Python 2.0b2 will have better xml.sax documentation, and
the documentation of Python 2.0 will be even better.

> That the Python 2.0b XML documentation is utterly useless?

I don't know about that.

> That the modules themselves contain no useful commentary?

Neither about that.

> Why?  Why is the XML group making it so damn difficult?

Perhaps because nobody is contributing anything better?


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