Changing class membership

Jake Speed speed at ?.com
Thu Sep 28 10:10:40 EDT 2000

hei at (Dirk-Ulrich Heise) wrote in <8qut3i$kn$1 at desig-bs01->:

>"Jake Speed" <speed@?.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

>> This looks like a good time to add 'delay/force' to Python!
>Could you explain some more? I don't know Scheme.

Scheme implements a form of lazy evaluation.  The
special form/syntax (delay <expr>) does not evaluate
the expression, but returns a 'promise' object.  The
function (force <promise>) returns the result of the
original expression.  The promise can be forced more
than once, but the expression is only evaluated once;
the result is cached in the promise object.

I'm just joking around, obliquely referring to 'lambda'
and stackless continuations in the further schemeitization
of Python.


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