SWIG to the rescue (was Re: Modifying Python parms passed to C function?)

Thomas Heller thomas.heller at ion-tof.com
Fri Sep 1 09:29:37 EDT 2000

It is even easier, because distutils contains support for swig:

  from distutils.core import setup, Extension
  setup (name = "afunc",
         version = "1.0",
         maintainer = "Alex Martelli",
         maintainer_email = "aleaxit at yahoo.com",
         description = "A simple SWIG example",
         ext_modules = [
                     sources = ['afunc.c',

with afunc.c:
  int afunc(int byvalue, int* justin, int* inout, int* justout)
      *inout += byvalue+*justin;
      *justout = 100*(*inout);
      return 1000*(*inout);

and ifunc.i:
  %module afunc
  %include typemaps.i

  extern int afunc(int, int* INPUT, int* BOTH, int* OUTPUT);


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