Ulf Engström ulf.engstrom at
Mon Sep 18 09:44:02 EDT 2000

Hello :)
As a part of 'gettting-closer-to-one-question-about-timeout-a-day' I have
another question about select.
As there's no timeout in socket I'm using to determine if
there's something waiting on the socket before I read it.
This has worked great up 'til now when I after a few calls (There's a lot of
calls to this function, should that be a problem?) it returns that there's
something on that socket, but when I read it all I get is ''. And then the
socket is completely dead, returning '' on every recv call.
Is this due to a "socket-error" and I would just have to reestablish it or
is it something else? Is there a reason that this happens after multiple
calls to select?
When I try to reestablish the socket when I get the error I still only get
'' on it.

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